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July 31– August 4, 2024 | Denver, CO
What is Cubs to lions?
Cubs to Lions is designed for both new and mature believers from Muslim backgrounds. Participants receive solid personal teaching from Middle Eastern teachers that will help new believers grow into solid, mature Christians and train mature believers to become disciplers and teachers.
For many CMBs, Cubs to Lions provides critical spiritual training since many of them struggle with their identity in Christ. Due to spiritual misunderstandings commonly faced by converts from Islam to Christianity, and because converts often face intense pressure from families and society to conform to Islam, many backslide toward Islamic theology and practices.
Through Cubs to Lions, we help new believers mature in their Christian walk so that they may work alongside us in the Great Commission. Last year alone, North American Cubs to Lions Intensives ministered to 43 Christians from Muslim backgrounds, and led to 4 professions of faith from people who previously identified as followers of Jesus, but had not proclaimed him as the one Lord and Savior.
Cubs to Lions Intensives are four-day gatherings of 25-30 Christians from Muslim Backgrounds (CMBs), who are discipled and mentored by pastors and church leaders. The goal of the program is not only to uplift and support new believers but to help them become indigenous missionaries capable of evangelizing to many people within this largely unreached people group.
Throughout both four-day Intensives, Christians from Muslim Backgrounds will receive crucial one-to-one mentoring, as well as prayer meetings, talks, worship sessions, and Bible study. They also fellowship with other CMBs, which is an invaluable experience for followers of Christ living in countries dominated by Islam.
A Letter from our President
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
We understand the numerous challenges you face as a Christian from a Muslim background. Adjusting to a new community, facing persecution, and developing a Christian worldview are only some of the many issues covered in our training. Coming to Christ is exciting. Remaining in Christ is difficult. Why? Because living the Christian life requires transformation of our minds, hearts, and lifestyles. This requires discipline and training.
I want to invite you to join us for a week of teaching designed particularly for believers from Muslim backgrounds. You will learn biblical answers for the real and unique problems you face.
In Christ,
Georges Houssney
Georges Houssney, President, Horizons International
"I wanted you to know how happy I am to attend such a magnificent course. I thank God that He has given me the opportunity to be born again and to mature spiritually. Thanks to every person made this conference happen."
"I had a breakthrough at Cubs to Lions. I was freed and released of bondage and dark secrets. It was a lot to take in and every piece taught was of potent importance. I was convicted and was taught the difference between conviction and guilt."
"Cubs to Lions answered my questions about the Bible, how to pray, and how to ask for discernment to recognize what is from God and what is not. I was shown the difference between rules of Islam and the principles of Christ.”