How to get your friends and family involved?
Like we said before, the best way to get others involved is always personal. If its possible, you should set up a time to go grab coffee or get lunch with the person you would like to get involved. If that isn't possible a phone call or a Facetime will do as well. To be most successful, before you have the conversation with your friend or family member, do the following:
- Pray about the conversation and for God to give you the right words to say to touch your friend's heart. Pray as well for God to prepare the other person to hear what you have to say.
- Think about why you love and support Horizons so that you can share that clearly with your friend.
- Think about your friend and what their interests are. Try to think about a couple projects that would particularly interest them.
Once you have done those things and are having your conversation make sure to share:
- About your experience with Horizons and how you have been blessed in the process
- Then bring up a couple projects you think they would be interested in.
- And finally have a specific ask in mind for them. This means having something specific that you want them to do after the conversation.
- Ask them to pray about it and ask if you can follow up with them later in the week about their decision.
Specific asks could include:
- Giving to your donor page
- Sponsoring a refugee student
- Committing to prayer
What if my friends aren’t believers? Can I still get them involved?
Great news! Your friends and family don’t have to be believers for you to get them involved with Horizons. We have many projects that everyone can get behind like our humanitarian aid project including food, clothing, and home supplies for Syrian Refugees. Or they might be interested in being involved with the School of Hope, providing education to kids who otherwise would have none.
If you would like more specific tips on anything above, email us at to schedule a conversation.